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Hoya 'Sweetheart Variegated'
Hoya 'Sweetheart Variegated'
Hoya 'Sweetheart Variegated'
Hoya 'Sweetheart Variegated'
Hoya 'Sweetheart Variegated'
Hoya 'Sweetheart Variegated'
Hoya 'Sweetheart Variegated'

Hoya 'Sweetheart Variegated'

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Quantity must be 1 or more

  • Botanical Name: Hoya kerrii
  • Common Names: Sweetheart, Lucky-heart
  • Description: The Hoya Sweetheart Variegated commonly called the wax plant is a non-blooming houseplant with heart-shaped leaves. This Variegated version has a splash of yellow on the leaf. The vines are wood-like and the leaves are waxy. Native to tropical Asia, these plants do well in warm weather. This single-leaf offering is a very slow grower, but is also extremely hardy. Ideal as a novelty gift, it is more of an ornament than a needy houseplant. For the houseplant enthusiast, proper care and patience can be rewarded with a striking growth of multiple heart-shaped leaves on vines.


 *******Please note this plant will not grow vines as it is a leaf cutting