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Cereus forbesii 'Spiralis'
Cereus forbesii 'Spiralis'
Cereus forbesii 'Spiralis'
Cereus forbesii 'Spiralis'

Cereus forbesii 'Spiralis'

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  • Botanical Name: Cereus forbesii 'Spiralis' 
  • Common Name(s): Spiral Cactus 
  • Description: Step into the captivating world of the spiral cactus, scientifically known as Cereus forbesii ‘spiralis,’ a botanical treasure from Peru. While growing in popularity, the spiral cactus remains more elusive than its common counterparts. Once mature, this striking cactus can soar to heights of 6 to 13 feet, boasting a diameter of 4 to 5 inches, and is one of the fastest-growing cactus varieties, rewarding caretakers with swift growth.